Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Grand Canyon 2006 (Part 1)

In honor of Spring Break this week, I'd like to commemorate what I did last year: Hiking, camping and traveling in and about the Grand Canyon (GC) area.

The previous December I got into a car accident that caused some whiplash. So I carefully spent the following months getting into shape for this hike. That went well until the last two weeks where I came down with a nasty chest cold. I was not quite over the cold when we went. The night before we hiked into the GC I spent an hour coughing. The next night was more of the same. We decided to hike out after the first day. Upon reaching the rim, I spent at least another hour coughing - at times severely.

Afterwards, we visited Monument Valley and Four Corners. My brother drove out to San Antonio to pick me up, then to Flagstaff, Arizona. We drove back the same way.

The hike didn't go as planned, but you can't control the weather. Three days of snow fell before we tried to hike in. We changed our itinerary since our original trailhead was impassible. We ended up hiking down through a lot of snow, though the return trip was slightly muddy from the snow melting. I had a great time, but I want to go back when it's not freezing cold and I'm in better health.

Unfortunately, just a few days after my return from the GC, I had the front wheel of my XT wash out on me in a turn and the resulting fall cracked my tibia. All the conditioning I had gained from the preparation for this hike slowly went away and I've since gained a *few* pounds. Finding the time and energy for exercise has been difficult, though I may be able to work something out before long (thanks to the job switch).

Pictures in subsequent posts.

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