Monday, September 10, 2012


When I think of winter or when the temperatures drop, I remember of some of the best rides and adventures I've ever had took place in that kind of weather.

But here, right now a cold front drifted in and has decided to make itself comfortable for about a week. The daytime received a much welcome respite from the 100° + days that brought asphalt on the way to work at 4:00 in the afternoon a blistering 107°, with temperatures "down" to 80 or 85° at 1:30 AM when I leave work. A mesh jacket worked quite well; I used the "3 season" rain liner for keeping warm in the zealous air conditioning that descends upon my cubicle.

Tonight presented a dilemma I've not considered in some time - certainly not since I returned to two wheels. When I stepped out of work, air in the 60's shocked me as slightly cooler than my cubicle! With a mild shiver, I pulled the liner out of my tail bag and fit it under my mesh jacket. I put my vented gloves on after my helmet. I regarded the other rider leaving at the same time: she wore a sweater and a 3/4 helmet. We both knew she would get very cold on the way home. I rode much farther - so I'd get a chance to test my gear and see how much protection Midnight gave me.

The ride did chill me a little. I noticed how little protection my hands have from the cold. Wind blew all around my legs and arms. The bike protected only my belly and chest. I forced myself to relax and get used to the cool; gripping the handlebar tightly and tensing up fatigues the body and lessens the ability to concentrate and maneuver gracefully.

The 25 mile ride home took me through spots as cold as 64° and as warm as 75°! But I enjoyed the mildly crisp air and the stars shone brightly when I could see them. Has fall arrived? I hope so! I look forward to making more memories as the weather begins to cool.

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