On the way to work yesterday, I decided to push the limits of the little XT. I discovered it alright, and it could have been very, very disastrous.
I took a very sharp corner - I was on the inside of the turn - and the bike slid out from under me. The bike and I then hit a truck heading the other way. I discovered later that I pretty much hit is square from the side. The bike and I tumbled a bit and came to rest pretty quickly.
Naturally, I freaked out the other driver, who stopped to see if I was alright. Actually, I was more concerned for her than anything. (After all, I hit her vehicle.)
We both determined that other than the psychological shock, we were both okay. She went on her way and I had the bike towed to the shop.
We discussed our professions; it turns out that she teaches at the high school right around the corner from where I live and I'll be teaching at the high school right around the corner from where she lives! I might even teach her daughter next year! That's ironic.
I'll post pictures of the XT before too long; but the bike started right up, though the rear wheel apprears to be messed up along with the normal scrapes from a low-side.
My only physical injuries was some road rash on my left calf (probably abrasion from my jeans) and a small spot on my right knee. I'll have a nice bruise on my lower back near my right hip which made it painful to walk yesterday. My armor absorbed the rest. I definitely have to replace the helmet and jacket (which worked amazingly well). I've never appreciated what a helmet can do until yesterday... I had been meaning to get some lower-body protection since my last set of riding pants developed a zipper problem in the crotch... This would have definitely alleviated the hip/back injury.
To say I was lucky is an understatement. Stupid? Probably. I'll have some time off from riding - again - to consider my next move. There goes my 70 mpg commuter...

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