Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I'm rarely impressed with owners. Most have the agenda of making the most money right now instead of considering the long-term effects of reputation and customer service. I've wondered about that with these new owners...

However, when I saw our millionaire owner working with a coworker to assemble a major unit (meaning a bike, boat or 4-wheeler), I knew that he was different. Even if he's not hands-on all the time, he's willing to get his hands dirty on occasion. It's a sign that he's a real human being, which is more than I can say for other owners I've met in the past (without getting specific).

A person who will get in the trenches to understand and empathize tends to be more reasonable to deal with than someone who is "above" his employees. It's not a rule, but it can help. This and other things I've seen lend hope to this cause.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this pans out in the long run...

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