Thursday, July 19, 2007

After-work ride

The weather over the past few days has included plenty of rain, but I've ridden to work anyways. (It hasn't really rained on me to or from work, so I count myself fortunate). However, the rain really brought the temperatures down, making the ride home from work last night feel soooo good. I knew I would only spend a few minutes at home to eat and to get into some warmer (and waterproof - just in case) riding gear and I would head out to the hill country.

I was gone for hours and did about 200 miles. The going was slower since I rode in twilight and deer were out in force. However, the clouds broke right after sunset and I stopped a couple times to just stare at the thousands of stars in a nearly-black sky. A little glow from the East (was it San Antonio or Bandera?) and a crescent moon in the west lit up two corners of the sky, but right above me the stars shimmered like glitter. I've probably not seen that many stars since I rode the XT home - or longer. (A full moon during the Grand Canyon trip didn't help in my case). On the way back, clouds filled the sky and only a slight haze where the moon was setting remained.

I can tell I'm out of riding shape. My arms are a little sore this morning and I had to stop a couple times yesterday to rest/regather my wits. (I was also tired from a long day). I'm also panning about the airflow over my helmet and thinking how the VStrom 1000 was much more protected and the seating was more neutral with less pressure on my back and wrists. And yes, that's with handlebar risers. I guess I'm just getting old, too.

Now I gotta get cleaned up and ride to work. I'm not taking the truck since I have to park it in the muddy parking lot. (I don't want to track mud into my "office.") How's that for motivation to ride?

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