Thursday, April 26, 2007

An Eye for a Bruise

This is about two things: contacts and donating platelets. The latter involves a picture which may or may not be cool to look at during work. Then again, why would you be looking at my blog during work hours? Quit wasting company time and keep America productive! (Everyone else from other countries can disregard that last statement - gotta keep the dollar strong, right?)

I got fitted for contacts Monday and have worn them for the first time all week. Oh, the joys of poking my fingers in my eyes! I'm using two different brands (one for each eye) to see which I like best. So far, it's the one that's easiest to put in and take out!

Now for the cool part: I donated Sunday. (If I donated Monday, I could have had a full cholesterol bloodwork run for free). But my arm slipped just a little, causing the needle to go through the vein. When the machine drew blood from my arm, that wasn't really a problem. However, it siphons out the platelets and returns the blood to my arm. In this case, it didn't pump the blood into my veins but the cavity in my arm around the vein. Fortunately I had a technician right there when it started happening and he stopped the return when he saw me suddenly express a lot of pain in my face.

Yeah, it's funny now. That's why I'm saving the picture for last.

I won't be able to donate for two more months because the machine kept whole blood. In the mood I was in this weekend - despising humanity ad nauseum - it didn't really matter to me.

So with three days to fester, here's the bruise now. You can see the red mark where the needle went in my arm.

Didn't I have a rough time the last time I went to that particular center to donate? (Yes.) Will I ever learn? (No.)

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