For me, Sundays are still Sundays. But Monday is my Saturday. This Monday, I took my first real ride in over a month. So much for the chronic rider, eh?
I started off taking Loop 1604 to Bandera Road. (After seeing the terrible traffic there, I'm a bit surprised that I took that same path to school for 3 1/2 years...) Bandera West dead ends into Scenic Loop Road. A left onto Toutant Beauregard drops you off at Tx 46 and I-10, next to Starbucks.
Taking 46 west to 16 north, I took a quick break Bandera. A little farther north, I caught 470 west, which I don't take very often. It's a pretty ride with a semi-technical turn or two, but it has a few straightaways that are good for... stretching my legs.
I passed Tarpley and turned south on 187 and dropped into Lost Maples Cafe for lunch. The place was full of locals. They all stopped talking to turn and stare. Though it was somewhat awkward, I went and found a table and relaxed a bit for lunch.
Once I was ready for the ride home, I headed back up 187 to catch 337 east. My brother and I caught this road once and spent some time taking pictures. Even with the greyness of winter upon the hill country, this road was scenic as ever.
I caught 16 south, passing through Medina and the apple orchard. Pretty soon an apple festival will be under way. It seems in Texas, all kinds of festivals are held for all kinds of food. (We just had the rodeo in San Antonio. The strawberry festival is coming up, too.)
I detoured and took 2828 east and 173 back into Bandera. 173 really is highway, even though it goes to two lanes near Bandera. Taking 16 back to loop 1604, it alternated between two and three lanes until it finally settled upon four. Naturally, I caught 1604 to return home.
I had the odd feeling that there was a certain lack of "special" in the ride itself. It was nice to get out and get some sunshine (which is a rarity in and of itself). But, the roads we so very familiar. It struck me how I used to be filled with awe every time I rode highway 16 into the Hill Country and see the hills unfold before me. I used to marvel at the sweepers and tight turns of those back roads. I appreciated how lightly traveled those roads are during the week.
I did appreciate the light traffic this time. But the ride itself fell a little flat. I didn't really enjoy the scenery so much this time. There was a spot or two that felt really good to concentrate on the technical parts. But for the whole, it was lacking something.
Perhaps the wonder of the ride is gone. The mystery of unexplored places left. My favorite stops no longer had familiar faces. The $15 in gas seemed a little less worth it. The best part of the ride was feeling my lower back straighten itself out; it felt better after the ride than before it.
I've determined to sell the FJR. It will cover expenses when my beautiful wife is unable to work when she has our baby girl. I will miss the sportiness of this ride, but not the expense.
I'll probably pick up another bike - a small dual-sport - when time and money permits. The economy and fun factor of those bikes still amazes me. I am NOT giving up riding... just putting a little time aside for more important things.

The past month or two has shown me that I can live without riding all the time. In some ways it's even better. (Air conditioning is a good start!) The motorcycle has been a way of life for me for... at least seven years. I will still support organizations like the AMA, even when I'm not riding. I think perhaps it's time for me to grow up a little and reorganize my priorities.
Has the bike become an idol for me? Perhaps. Has it allowed an emotional escape for me? Surely. Are there other, healthier pastimes I can take up? Yes.
I'm thinking I should get into better shape so I can do more hiking. And on a side note, it's a lot easier to transport backpacks, hiking boots and walking sticks in a car than a motorcycle!